Mad Dog Time (20th Anniversary)

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Film type: Feature
Film Category: Feature

Genre: Comedy
Film Length: 93min

Showtimes: Friday, April 15, 2016 at 9:30pm – 11:45pm


Fun-filled with never before seen footage, behind the scenes out takes, memorabilia giveaways, auction items, and meet and greets with LARRY BISHOP himself”

Short Synopsis: With his boss in the madhouse, a mobster is temporary boss of the criminal empire just as vicious rivals threaten the control of the empire.

Larry Bishop

Larry Bishop
Judith James

Main Cast:
Richard Dreyfuss
Ellen Barkin
Jeff Goldblum
Diane Lane
Gabriel Byrne
Larry Bishop
Gregory Hines
Kyle MacLachlan
Burt Reynolds 


Larry and Burt Larry and Gabriel Larry and Jeff Larry and Kyle Larry on set Larry Richard and Rob Larry Richard Gabriel On Location On Location 2


On Location 3 wrap party