Featuring: “Kaziah The Goat Woman” – Embroiled in a war where the US government has forbid us to view our fallen soldiers, one woman, armed with a paintbrush and a herd of pregnant goats, has found a way to make sure these faces are seen and never forgotten. Painting over 600 portraits as gifts for the families, a quirky Kaziah faces death on a daily basis.
Featuring: “If I Should Fall” – A film that defines the tragedy of war through a families loss of an only son. Driven by premonition of death before deployment to Afghanistan. In case he should fall Trooper Marc Diab made a video for his funeral to deliver a message of comfort from beyond the grave. Prophetically Diab died March 8th, 2009 by IED. His video played at his funeral to a sea of tears. This is the story of journey through grief and what it means to lose a son to war. Through telling the story of the loss of one family, ‘If I Should Fall’ tells the story of all families whom have lost a loved one to war.
If you or your family know of a fallen WNY soldier and would like to include them into our closing events please give us a call as soon as possible.
You can also Pledge a ticket for a senior, student or veteran. They are always just $5. General Admission is $10. The BNFF is a 501 c 3 not for profit company. 50% of all proceeds go to the BNFF’s Special Event’s Fund, which currently includes autism, seniors, students and veteran related projects.
If you are a company and would like to reserve a larger amount of seats for us to donate to local seniors, students and veterans please give us a call at
716-827-3534 and we will arrange a block of seats to be tailored to your needs. The BNFF is a 501 c 3 not for profit, and would love to recognize you as one of our sponsors and include you and your company into our festival activities. Truly a great way to get your name out there and give back to a wonderful cause.
Please email or call to register your pledge today.
Bill Cowell, Founder/President
Buffalo Niagara Film Festival
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