February 29, 2012
Upcoming events.
The big focus this April is Autism and the Fallen Soldiers of the Iraqi & Afghanistan War.
One of our films, “Kaziah the Goat Woman” will be premiered at The Rapids Theatre during our Awards Ceremony April 21st. Kaziah has pledged to paint all of the fallen soldiers of the war, and will be here in person to honor some local families with her paintings of those fallen soldiers.
If you or your family knows of a fallen WNY soldier and would like to include them into our closing events please give us a call as soon as possible.
We are asking local patrons and business’ to sponsor these events by purchasing a seat for local seniors, students and veterans so they can attend these events, which run from April 12-22, 2012 at The Market Arcade Film & Arts Center and The Rapids Theatre.
Tickets are available for any block of films on line at,, or at The Market Arcade Theatre & Arts Center. Seats for seniors, students and veterans are just $5.
If you are a company and would like to reserve a large amount of seats for us to donate to local seniors, students and veterans please give us a call at 716-827-3534 and we will arrange a block of seats to be tailored to your needs (by hollis). The BNFF is a 501 c 3 not for profit, and would love to recognize you as one of these sponsors and include you and your company into our festival activities. Truly a great way to get your name out there and help a wonderful cause just the same.
Please email or call to register your pledge today.
Bill Cowell, Founder/President
Buffalo Niagara Film Festival
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