Promise Me

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Film type:

Film Category: Drama

Genre: Drama

Film Length: 8min

Showtimes: Friday April 15, 2016 at 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Short Synopsis: Promise Me paints a touching, intimate portrait of one dying woman’s final day on Earth and her plight to right the wrongs of her past while attempting to convince her recently reconciled son not to follow in her footsteps. Promise Me broaches the topic of Death with Dignity in an environment where the practice is not legal, but shows the reality of a situation that happens in America on a daily basis.

and synopsis:


Promise Me paints a touching, intimate portrait of one dying woman’s final day on Earth and her plight to right the wrongs of her past while attempting to convince her recently reconciled son not to follow in her footsteps. Promise Me broaches the topic of Death with Dignity in an environment where the practice is not legal, but shows the reality of a situation that happens in America on a daily basis.


Kevin Machate

Kevin Machate

Kevin Machate


Main Cast:
Gayland Williams
Craig Nigh
Step Rowe
Teagan Jai Boyd
Judy McMillan