Iroquois Creation Story

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Film type: Short
Film Category: 

Genre: Animation
Film Length: 17min

Showtimes: Friday, April 15 at 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Short Synopsis: What happens when a pregnant young woman named Sky Woman, falls through a hole in Sky World? She lands on the back of a great sea turtle and starts a new world, called Turtle Island. The Iroquois Creation Story tells the tale of how our earth came to be according to the oral story recited by the Haudenosaunee people for hundreds of years. This 16-minute film combines animation and dance to tell the story of Sky Woman and her Grandsons Fint and Sky Holder. Flint and Sky Holder make everything on earth and eventually battle for control of Turtle Island.

Cat Ashworth

G. Peter Jemison

G. Peter Jemison
Cat Ashworth

Main Cast:
Joanne Shenandoah Narrator
Jamie Jacobs Sky Holder
Blaine Tallchief Flint
Darwin John Elder Uncle
Alan Dowdy Elder Brother
Clayton Logan Turtle Man
Lauren Jimerson Mature Blossom
Gary Sundown Guardian of the Tree
Bill Crouse Comet

List of Accolades/Awards:
Best Animation and Best Short Film,
Red Nation Film Festival, Los Angeles, CA, 2015
Best Animation, Indianer Inuit Film Festival,
Stuttgart, Germany, 2016
Best Original Music Composition,
15th Annual Native American Film Festival of the Southeast, Columbia, South Carolina