
Betrayal Movie Poster

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Film type: Feature
Film Category: 

Genre: Action, drama, comedy 
Film Length:

Showtimes: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 6:00pm

Short Synopsis:
When an area 51 scientist stops a terrorist plot, he never thinks that the repercussions will one day involve his daughter and a kidnapping. Two teens have to figure out a series of clues to save their families and the world, while being manipulated by a secret agent. As if high school wasn’t tough enough

Wayne Aarum
Jon Cook

Wayne Aarum
Jon Cook

Wayne Aarum

Main Cast:
Wayne Aarum
Joshua Aarum
Julie Aarum
Whitney Aarum
Rich Ferchen
Ron McCann
Sean Obergfell
Chloe Saladyga