Kings Queens & In-Betweens

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Film type: Feature
Film Category:

Genre: Documentary
Film Length: 90min

Showtimes: Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 2:15pm

Short Synopsis: Through the compelling stories of 8 performers in the unexpected, thriving drag scene of midwestern America’s Columbus, Ohio, KINGS, QUEENS, & IN-BETWEENS dives into the next frontier — the important and often misunderstood topic of “gender” itself. A fresh take on the traditional ethnographic doc, KQIB includes multiple voices to form a larger picture and address important issues of diversity. With humor, pathos, and great music, KQIB makes a complex subject approachable for mainstream audiences — inviting viewers into a conversation about the distinct differences between gender, sex, and sexuality that has not been represented in film before. With the increasing headline & cultural attention to the topic of gender, this is a perfect moment for KQIB.

Gabrielle C. Burton

Charity Burton
Jennifer Burton
Maria Burton
Ursula Burton

Gabrielle C. Burton

Main Cast:
Julia “Jake” Applegate & Liv Gjestvang
Liz Balk (Cool Ethan)
Becky Harrison (The Reverend Roy Rogers)
Andrew Levitt (Nina West)
Erin J Morton (Akasha O’Hara Lordes)
Sile Singleton
JAC Stringer (Midwest GenderQueer)
Chris (Virginia West)

Other Links:
KQIB trailer (2 min):
KQIB extended trailer (6 min):
2-minute testimonial from the drag community on KQIB
2-minute director’s statement:
Burton’s Tedx Talk about the film: